The Minimalist Guide to Development Methodology

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Development methodology is a system of principles and a set of ideas, concepts, methods, techniques and tools that define the style of software development. Methodologies are the core of the software development control theory. Our project managers use an established and extensively tested rapid development methodology that brings impressive results and ensures job success, be it web development, Android app development, iOS app development or software design.

The whole production cycle is divided into described stages

  • Introduction stage. The customer introduces to us their idea or describes their needs and the discussion ensues. Every tiny detail is counselled, starting with their vision of wanted features, ending with the possible used frameworks, tools and programming languages.
  • User journey stage. Our designers together with the customer draw so-called user stories – typical scenarios of user “travel” inside the app. As a result, we receive a generic interface map with all the transitions and the click charts.
  • Nomenclature stage. We create an application specification and approve it with the customer.
  • UX stage. Our designers process the interface map, click chart and app specs, planning a basic user experience and the interface elements layout.
  • Interface testimonial stage. Both documents are submitted to the customer for approval.

Every little detail is clarified by the customer – buttons and interface elements layout etc.

Design stage. Our designers draw an application design and verify it with the customer, taking into account all of their corrections.


Let's discuss the importance of the high-quality UI/UX design to your website.

When the design is finalized, next is the development stage

Development stage. The whole development stage is divided into a one-two week long sprints (frontend and backend), marked out according to spec. Before each sprint, a batch of features to be implemented in course of the sprint, is chosen and certified. The most important are considered by the immutability of the chosen features while performing the current iteration and strict adherence to the deadlines of next build release, even if not all the planned features have been fully implemented. Inside the sprints, tasks are ranked in hours and importance. During the course of the current sprint at the end of every day team lead organizes a meeting where features, implemented this day, the difficulties encountered and ways to overcome them are discussed, the next day’s plan and tasks distribution are established. Such meetings allow us to monitor the progress of the project, swiftly identify the problems and promptly respond to them.

After each sprint, the build is passed to team lead (some feature code is being uploaded to the website), corrections and fixes are made, etc. Every feature, after being approbated, is transferred to the testing. Next, the tested feature is revised with the customer. Then the next sprint is started if need be.

  • Release stage. When all the features are developed, tested and revised, the working build is uploaded to the app store (stores).
  • Feedback stage. We are getting and analyzing the user feedback.

After the release, if any additions or new features are needed, new agreement, specification, estimate is concluded.

Finalization stage. The project papers are sent to the customer – source code, API docs, etc.

Many would argue this but most of the experienced developers consider software development a sort of art. Some developers are like artists, some – like artisans, but both kinds need a sort of self-esteem born out of successful jobs. There’s no better way to ensure project success then discipline. Irwin “Greeny” Greenberg, artist and the renowned arts teacher said: “One factor that makes a good and successful artist is discipline. It’s the essence of the whole thing”. And in software development there’s no better way to maintain discipline than complying with the correct and tried development methodology.

We do it as much to our client’s sake as to all our employees’. And in our humble opinion – to a big éclat.We do it as much to our client’s sake as to all our employees’. And in our humble opinion – to a big éclat.

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