Ruby Development

Get ready to launch your app fast with our Ruby expertise and the application framework’s powerful pre-built features.

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Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular development tools to create your application’s structure. RoR framework delivers quick application development and a better quality product thanks to easy code maintenance and cost-effectiveness. Hire expert Ruby on Rails developers when you need:

  • Mobile and web applications
  • CMS
  • E-commerce
  • Social media
  • Enterprise portals

Partner with a Ruby development company dedicated to understanding your business challenges and your customers’ needs. With over two decades of experience in Ruby on Rails (RoR) development, we offer you the expertise you need to help you achieve your goals. When it comes to choosing the right technology for your web or app development, we help you determine the technology stack and the perfect framework to help you get moving fast.

Our Customers


Integration Services

  1. Web development

    RoR gives your development project a framework and a structure for all the code being written. The RoR framework helps you get a website or application easier and faster because it abstracts and simplifies repetitive tasks so you don’t recreate the wheel.

  2. Mobile apps

    Experienced RoR developers build apps that help you get a jump on the competition. You not only save development time, but you get an innovative mobile app with your specific needs in mind.

  3. Porting and migration

    Do you have existing software or apps that you want to make more flexible? RoR is the perfect solution. Not only does it work with your current software and apps, but we revolutionize your processes that affect your strategic growth.

  4. MVP

    Jelvix offers Ruby on Rails programmers who make it possible for companies to create an MVP fast and easy. Get the stability and security you need to launch your MVP while providing built-in mechanisms offering automated testing to help you achieve a true MVP.

  5. API integration

    Using Ruby on Rails for API integration makes it possible for you to implement advanced features and functionality easily. You get flexibility and customization while reducing time to market.

Ruby Development

Why Ruby Development

  • Versatility

    Whether you’re building a custom website or an app, Ruby abstracts and simplifies those repetitive tasks that other frameworks falter on.

  • Scalability

    Ruby helps you handle tons of requests per minute, even when sent by multiple visitors. Consider, for example, how Shopify uses RoR to scale to 80,000 requests per second.

  • Cost efficiency

    Regardless if you’re a startup or an enterprise, you have a limited budget. Ruby helps you boost your pipeline and save money for a lot of reasons like open-source, MVC pattern, and its amazing ecosystem.

  • Fast to market

    If timing is crucial, Ruby helps you build apps and websites faster and implement them in a shorter period of time. Save on budget, get a jump on the competition, and exceed customers’ expectations quicker when you’re fast to market.

Ruby Development Frameworks

  • Rails

    Rails offers a streamlined programming language designed to make programming your web apps easier. It allows your team to write less code, saving your time, money, and effort.

  • Sinatra

    Sinatra is a free and open-source web application library and domain-specific language. Sinatra offers you an easy-to-use alternative to quickly create web applications using minimal effort.

  • Padrino

    Padrino was built on the Sinatra web library, but created to make it easy and fun to code complex or advanced web applications for enterprises. Padrino helps programmers stick to the Sinatra spirit while creating amazing code.

  • RSpec

    RSpec is the most frequently used testing library for Ruby web applications. Thanks to its rich and powerful DSL, RSpec still offers programmers a simple tool you can use quickly and efficiently.

  • JRuby

    It’s an implementation of Ruby programming language offering Ruby applications the ability to run in a Java Virtual Machine. It allows Java and Ruby libraries to interface.

  • Rubinius

    This modern language platform supports several programming languages, making it a versatile offering for programmers. Its goal is to provide a rich, high-performance environment for running Ruby Code.

  • IronRuby

    IronRuby is an implementation of Ruby that targets .NET framework. It works with Dynamic Language Runtime so you get dynamic typing and dynamic method dispatch, among other services.

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