The Customer is an American company and one of Jelvix’s long-term clients. The Customer aims to provide people with an open and free online community where millions of people around the world share real thoughts and opinions about any events and get the inside scoop on what exactly is/was happening. In particular, create surveys or chat directly with other users.
Business Challenge
The Customer demanded social networking with a focus on transparent public insights, collected in statistics, and augmented discussions. The new product had to address clients’ requirements to stay private and confidential within the app usage. Taking into consideration the scope of the project, the Customer was looking for a highly professional team that could implement the system according to the provided requirements.
The Customer commissioned Jelvix to design and develop a mobile app on iOS and Android platforms, admin panel, and the landing page. Jelvix experts have created an app granting users an opportunity to fully secure social networking, building a smartphone-based social network and opinion forum. As for the functionality, the new application differs from existing social networks. Via the app users can join or form communities based on their interests. The product combines a robust survey capability and a platform for users to engage in issue-based focused discussions.
- Location
- Entertainment
- Native mobile iOS development, Android development, Back-end development, Front-end development, UI/UX design, QA automation.
- HTML5, CSS3, Sass Preprocessor, Java (JDK 8+), TypeScript 3.6.3, Swift, Kotlin, Spring Framework, React 16.9.0, Babel, Webpack, Sass, Docker, Apache Commons libs, AWS SDK, Firebase Java SDK, RxSwift, RxCoco, PromiseKit, FTLinearActivityIndicator, Android SDK, RxJava, Retrofit 2, OkHttp, WebSocket, Dagger 2, Moxy, Firebase dynamic links, Glide, Gson, Crashlytics, MPAndroidChart, Min API version 17 (Android 4.2).
Product Overview
Client’s goals
The Customer aimed at developing a solution to supply users with a social networking application and enable them to share their worldview with like-minded people. The main goal was to provide each user with an opportunity to interact with topical surveys as a creator or a respondent. One of the most important requirements was to embody an utterly secure tool where people can interact safely and politely.

The development team on the project consisted of iOS, Android, Backend, Front-End developers, QA engineer, and UI&UX designer working together with Project Manager. A detailed project plan was created with a thorough risk analysis to minimize their possible impact.
The development of the project was broken into several phases. The first phase started with the examination of the infrastructure field, and existing business processes, requirements for the future analytics, and reporting tool. Based on this scope of work, our consultants designed a high-level architecture with technology stack options. Our team conducted a deep analysis to justify the technology selection for each architecture component.
The second phase was launched with Jelvix engineers focused on enhancing the user experience of the social networking application that combines robust social networking with a flexible and powerful social survey platform.
The final phase was dedicated to QA automation, beta testing, and making adjustments to the app based on the results. It was designed for 3-6 months to ensure the promptitude towards releasing the official production version.
Value Delivered
Jelvix project team designed and developed an open and free social media app with a focus on transparent public insights and opinion, collected in statistics and augmented discussions.
Within the option of survey creation and participation, users can explore statistics from the community with personal privacy guaranteed. Published survey results along with integrated messaging, issues forums, and chat rooms make this opinion sharing application sincere, easy to use, and meaningful.
A significant result of the application existence is the formation of a democratic, responsible, tolerant, and conscious community. The application forms a safe, free, and comfortable zone for all participants, taking into account their worldview and interests.

Project Results
The project is in beta testing stage. During the collaboration, the Customer has obtained a quality application offering a completely secure smartphone-based social network and opinion forum that creates a robust, flexible and powerful community survey platform.