The Most Popular Software Development Models and Frameworks

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Software development models allow you to plan and implement your project according to your goals and objectives more efficiently.

Choosing a suitable model and planning are essential for project success. According to a report, 46% of organizations have listed proper project planning as a top priority to meet their organizational goals.

Planning is only one aspect of software development. Other stages may also include development, testing, and review, depending on the software model. All these stages form the project’s life cycle.

So, let’s define the primary component of any model – software development life cycle.

What Is the Software Development Life Cycle?

The software development life cycle (SDLC) is the framework that encompasses all the stages of software development. Understanding what steps are involved in the structure of the whole work makes the software development process much easier and embraces specific deliverables at each step.

Teams can focus on delivering high-quality products, and control cost spending at each stage. Knowing the specifics of each life cycle component, a squad can mitigate possible risks and avoid overspending.

The software development life cycle also fosters transparent communication and collaboration because each team member knows their role in SDLC.

There are numerous software development models, but the goal of each one is the most successful completion of the project with minimal resources consumed.

Each model has its structure and specifics that define the peculiarities of its usage. For instance, the Waterfall model is about linearity and the complete realization of every project stage. On the other hand, the Scrum model, the sub-model of the Agile approach, is focused on adaptability and speed.

Although multiple software development frameworks exist, only several have proven their efficiency. Let’s explore the most prominent SDLC models that make a difference in software development.

In this section, you will find the widely used software development models. You can learn their main aspects, structure, typical advantages and disadvantages, and use cases.

Discover the most prominent SDLC models below.

Waterfall Model


Waterfall is one of the oldest models that software engineers use to develop applications. It’s like drops pouring down the waterfall. They can’t go back up to the cliff. So, you can’t compose anything at a particular stage before the previous stage is completed. And you cannot go back to the previous already finished stage.

The rigid structure implies meticulously gathered documentation of the whole process and analysis before starting the development, testing, and deploying process. Each step has its own deliverables. You cannot skip any stage before it is fully completed.

The Waterfall model doesn’t involve a re-evaluation of project requirements. So, any mistake made at the beginning, at the documentation stage, can be a backlash in the following stages. Hence, the risk of errors, low-quality deliverables or finished products, or project delays also increases. Fixing those mistakes can be expensive and requires much more time than other models.

According to the latest statistics, projects using the Waterfall methodology take 20% longer than those using Agile methods.

Process Breakdown:

  • Requirements Collection: Responsible employees gather and document the necessary information about requirements. Thorough documentation of each stage of the project is the key to its successful implementation;
  • Design: The team creates the design of the final product. At this stage, it is essential to outline all the components of the software;
  • Implementation: This phase involves the development of the application. Developers implement pre-documented requirements and project design;
  • Testing: This phase comprises testing and debugging. QA specialists collaborate with developers to meticulously test every component of the software. They ensure that the developed application is error-free;
  • Deployment: The deployment phase involves the product release and its availability to users. Team checks if the application is available to download and use;
  • Maintainance: End-users download and consume the finished product. They give feedback about the application features. A team of developers resolves issues that occur in a timely manner, improving product characteristics.


  • Predictable and easy to understand;
  • The model is linear and sequential, and its phases are well-structured;
  • It is straightforward to manage and control;
  • The Waterfall model is beginner-friendly because of thoroughly defined documentation, deliverables, and timelines.


  • Lacks flexibility because you cannot change the completed phase or switch to another one before the previous stage is not finished;
  • More time to deliver the outcome because of detailed documentation collection and rigid structure;
  • Testing is implemented in the last phases of the model, making it difficult, costly, and time-consuming to fix incurring bugs and errors;
  • Consumer feedback is the latest phase, and correcting errors made in the early stages of the project is challenging.

Best for:

  • Small and repeatable projects with well-defined documentation;
  • Projects with a fixed budget, time frame, and requirements, e.g., governmental projects;
  • Projects with an explicit technology stack and tools;
  • Projects requiring strict adherence to rules and regulations.



The V-model, or verification and validation model, is an enhanced Waterfall model. It has a similar structure and implies the exact collection of requirements.

You cannot proceed to the next stage before fully completing the previous one. However, testing is required for every stage of the development process. That is why it is called the verification and validation model or V-model. The left side of the “V” letter is the verification phase, which consists of requirement gathering, system analysis, software design, and module design. The right side of the “V” letter is the validation phase, which comprises acceptance testing, system testing, integration testing, and unit testing.

Acceptance testing validates requirement collection. System testing validates system analysis, and integration testing is used for software design validation. Module design requires unit testing.

The validation phase reduces the risk of errors at each project creation stage. However, this model is still not flexible compared to other modern models.

Process Breakdown:

Verification phases:

  • Requirements Collection and Analysis: This is the first stage of the development cycle, which implies requirement gathering and analysis. Thorough collection and analysis will be used at the following stages, including acceptance tests at the validation phase;
  • System Analysis: Analysts break down and analyze components of the future software system. Such an analysis allows you to determine how these parts of the project interact with each other;
  • Software System and Architectural Design: This stage involves the preparation of systems design and contains the specification of internal and external part connectivity. This stage is also called high-level design (HLD);
  • Module Design: This is a low-level design (LLD) phase. The team outlines modules of the system according to the software design;
  • Coding: This is the longest stage, which implies the development of the application according to the design and specifications outlined in the previous steps. It is the bottom of the V model.

Validation phases:

  • Unit Testing: Unit tests are required when the module design stage is executed. Unit testing intended for code-level testing;
  • Integration Testing: When the software system and architectural design stage are executed, integration tests are required. Integration testing checks connectivity between modules and their integrity;
  • System Testing: System tests are performed when the system design stage is executed. QAs check system functionality by executing performance testing and regression testing;
  • Acceptance Testing: When the requirement collection and analysis are performed, the acceptance tests are created. This form of testing involves analysis of the system’s compatibility with other applications and testing by users who can spot the performance and functional issues.


  • Well-structured and easy-to-use model;
  • Defects detection early on results in high-quality products;
  • Ongoing testing on each stage of the software development life cycle mitigates risks of occurring issues at the maintenance stage.


  • Not flexible enough, meaning that you cannot return to the previous stage after its completion;
  • Testing at every stage leads to longer project implementation timelines;
  • It is unsuitable for projects with altering requirements, implying strict adherence to gathered documentation.

Best for:

  • Projects requiring high quality and minimum or no failures or downtimes;
  • Small projects with precise requirements and deadlines;
  • High-safety software projects in such spheres as aerospace, healthcare, or military.

SDLC models

Iterative and Incremental Model


Unlike the Waterfall and the V-model, an iterative and incremental model doesn’t need meticulous documentation of each phase. The stages stay the same as with other frameworks: requirements collection, design, development, testing, and deployment. However, an iterative and incremental approach implies numerous repetitions and tweaks along the way, building each piece of the application.

Usually, the project consists of multiple components. Repetitive software development life cycles allow you to create a small part of the project or increment. You can create pieces of the project sequentially or in parallel. After the deployment of each increment, the team analyzes what works and what doesn’t and makes adjustments in the following iterations with minimal or no corrections in the current iteration of the increment.

However, you cannot change basic requirements considerably. Architecture design and critical documentation remain unchanged and must be established at the project’s first stage.

Process Breakdown:

Each iteration that produces an increment includes the following stages:

  • Planning: Each iteration should be thoroughly planned. The team identifies its requirements and outlines a plan for the iteration;
  • Development: Developers create an increment based on requirements outlined in the previous stage of the iteration;
  • Testing: Testers thoroughly check the source code to identify errors and if it meets the requirements;
  • Integration: The code is integrated with the whole system;
  • Deployment: If the code is available for use, the team deploys it, and users can utilize a specific application component and give feedback.


  • More client feedback and participation;
  • Fewer risks compared with Waterfall and V-model because of iterations and adjustments;
  • Provides consistent development and flexibility.


  • With numerous iterations, it may be hard to manage;
  • It takes a longer time to develop and test multiple components;
  • It can be costly to implement and scale.

Best for:

  • Modular applications such as those based on microservices;
  • Large and complex systems, such as enterprise systems with complex and evolving requirements.

Spiral Model


The spiral model is focused on risk analysis and risk mitigation. It combines iterative software development with a risk management and analysis approach. The model is called a spiral because it generates many loops with each spiral iteration. Iterations usually last about six months and require risk analysis and audit proficiency. The core stages of the spiral model are planning, risk analysis, development, prototyping, and review.

The end-users are involved in the planning and review stage but cannot access the risk analysis and development stages. The most significant downsides of this model are longer development cycles and higher requirements for risk assessment than with other models.

Process Breakdown:

  • Planning: The team determines the basic requirements for the project, collaborating with the client;
  • Risk Analysis: Risk assessment specialists identify possible risks and suggest actionable strategies to mitigate or avoid each risk;
  • Prototyping: Developers create application features according to project requirements;
  • Testing: QA specialists test developed components of the project;
  • Review: The squad presents the developed part of the software to customers. Then, they collect users’ feedback and plan the following stages.


  • Provides high-quality risk management and mitigation;
  • Greater involvement of the customer in the review and planning process;
  • The model’s flexibility allows you to adjust requirements to customers’ needs.


  • The model is challenging to manage;
  • It is time-consuming and requires more resources to implement;
  • You need to collaborate with seasoned professionals in risk management for diligent risk evaluation;
  • The main emphasis is on comprehensive risk assessment, which is not always required for small projects.

Best for:

  • Large and complex projects which are challenging to complete;
  • Innovative projects with unclear requirements like new products or services or research and development (R&D);
  • High-risk projects that require diligent risk evaluation.

Agile Methodologies and Frameworks

Overview of Agile Philosophy:

Agile development methodology appeared in the late 90s and started to develop more rapidly when, in 2001, the Agile Manifesto was released. It was created because there was a need for more flexible frameworks that would meet changing customer requirements.

This approach has become extremely popular today. According to the Pulse of the Profession Report 2024, 53% of respondents in the Information Technology industry report using Agile always or often. However, 47% of Agile developments are late, have budget overruns, or result in unhappy customers.

Those who Use Agile always

Let’s uncover the main approaches to this controversial but trendy methodology. Its core principles can be described as follows:

  • Customer-Centric Approach: The customer rules the process. Businesses should fulfill customers’ needs and requirements as quickly as possible. Customer feedback is essential for every stage of the software development process;
  • Iterative Approach: Each iteration usually lasts a few weeks. Software development teams adapt to customers’ requirements and feedback quickly. This improves the features of the product and makes them more relevant to market needs;
  • Collaboration: Agile methodology also implies daily communication. Face-to-face meetings are the key to informed business decisions;
  • Quick Delivery: Fast results are essential because customers’ demands change frequently. Rapid prototyping also improves application characteristics and customer satisfaction;
  • Simplicity: Everything that teams are focused on should bring value to customers and work for their benefit. Groups ‘cut off’ everything that is redundant and wasteful. This makes the working application better, needing only the necessary steps for its creation;
  • Flexibility: Squads continuously adapt to changing environments. This approach is relevant today when everything is changing rapidly;
  • Motivation: Motivated employees are the key to more productivity and efficiency. Organizations improve the quality of teamwork, making it less stressful and convenient;
  • Self-Management: Self-organized teams can work autonomously without obsessive micromanagement. Such groups collaborate, hold themselves accountable, and make collective decisions to cater to customers needs;
  • Constant Improvement: Continuously streamlining daily operations leads to better outcomes. Continuous enhancements are based on regular feedback loops and reviews. Finding ways to provide high-quality results faster allows teams to adapt and save time and resources.

A few popular frameworks or sub-models were created based on the abovementioned principles. Let’s discuss them below.


Scrum is a widespread Agile framework. This framework is based on an iterative approach. Each iteration is called a ‘sprint’ and usually lasts 1-4 weeks. During this period, the team develops, tests, and deploys the software’s functionality. Daily scrum meetings assist in making this time frame more productive and efficient for the common goal of the sprint.

When the sprint ends, team members review, assess, and thoroughly plan the next iteration. This process is repeated with each new sprint. Feedback helps to avoid errors in subsequent iterations, making the software development process more qualitative.

Scrum works best for projects requiring quick feedback and changing requirements.


Kanban is an Agile framework that mainly focuses on visualization and work progress. Teams usually use specific tools like Trello, Slack, or Jira to be aware of project deliverables. With Kanban, the project’s progress changes every day. So, daily meetings and changes to the visualization task board are common sense.

Each task on this board has its assignee, description, deadline, and other essential information needed for completion. The assignee is accountable for delivering results according to this task.

This management system is based on flow and visualization. Evolution projects and software support are this model’s most typical usage examples.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme programming (XP) is a flexible, iterative Agile framework that usually lasts 1-2 weeks. Continuous and tight communication with customers results in higher adaptability. Requirements may change very often. As a result, the extreme programming model suggests practices such as pair programming, test-driven development, and continuous integration (CI). Releases are usually frequent, and team members focus on making a software architecture as simple as possible.

The main XP emphasis is on testing. XP core principles sound like DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) and YAGNI (You Ain’t Gonna Need It). They ensure the creation of functionality and software architecture without redundancies, which will be simple to work with and maintain, saving time and costs.

Extreme programming will be ideal for small or mid-sized projects with frequently changing requirements and continuous communication with customers.


The Lean approach works opposite to extreme programming and is sometimes called “caring programming.” Group members have more time to learn, adapt, and improve processes without sacrificing fast delivery.

This iterative framework also analyzes each iteration and eliminates any “waste.” Waste can be considered anything that hinders a project’s timely and successful implementation. This could be organizational bureaucracy, excessive code, quality issues, and other non-efficient processes.

Like with other models, Lean proponents tend to find a way to bring the most value to customers by reducing or eliminating redundancies.

All Agile sub-models have typical advantages and disadvantages and use cases. Learn more about them below.


  • Fast delivery and high adaptability to changes;
  • Higher customer satisfaction because of a user-centered approach;
  • Product quality improves because of constant communication with the customer;
  • Transparent communication between team members leads to higher motivation and process efficiency.


  • Requires skilled and well-organized teams;
  • It is challenging to plan the time and costs of the project;
  • Documentation has less priority, which may cause issues later on;
  • Continuing discussions and meetings can grab a lot of team members’ time.

Best for:

  • Startups and small dynamic projects;
  • Custom mid-sized software development projects with uncertain requirements or quick feedback loops;
  • Minor components of large custom projects.

Agile Methodologies and Frameworks

Rational Unified Process (RUP)


The rational unified process (RUP) is a customizable framework that mixes linear and iterative approaches. It comprises four main phases: inception, elaboration, construction, and transition. Inception has only one iteration, while other phases can have multiple cycles.

The primary stages of the framework are business modeling requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. They are executed in parallel within four main phases. Each iteration can take 2-4 weeks.

This framework is flexible yet complex compared with Agile models. Complexity makes this approach more lengthy and costly, suited for adaptable but sophisticated projects.

Process Breakdown:

The core phases are as follows:

  • Inception: The phase includes validating budgets, revealing business case context, success factors, and financial forecast. Deliverables include a use case model, project plan, risk assessment, and project description of core features. The stakeholders’ consent is crucial at this stage. Otherwise, the project may be canceled or redesigned;
  • Elaboration: The primary objective of the elaboration phase is to address essential risk items identified during earlier analysis. This phase shapes the project by conducting problem domain analysis and establishing the basic architecture. When the project fails to meet predetermined criteria, it may be canceled or redesigned;
  • Construction: The main objective of this phase is to build the software system, focusing on developing components and features. The phase involves significant coding, and in larger projects, multiple iterations may be created to break down use cases into manageable segments for demonstrable prototypes;
  • Transition: The goal is to move the system from development to production while ensuring end-users can access and understand it. The phase involves user training, beta testing to meet expectations, and evaluating developer performance. The product is also assessed against quality standards from the inception phase. If objectives are met, it achieves the product release milestone, concluding the development cycle.


  • The iterative approach spots risks and mitigates them due to early identification and evaluation;
  • The robust phases make the software development process more structured;
  • A customizable structure assists in delivering high-quality solutions;
  • Supports risk management.


  • It is not suitable for small projects because of its complexity;
  • Requires skillful managers;
  • It needs more resources and time for implementation than other models.

Best for:

  • Large, complex, risky projects with well-defined requirements need high-quality software development.

Popular Software Development Models

Choosing the Right Model and Framework

Because many software development models are available on the market, it is challenging to choose the right one. Experts say that switching between models will be costly and unproductive. You need to retrain your employees to do things differently.

The PMI Global Project Management Survey reveals that software development projects are especially prone to failure. 31% do not achieve their objectives, roughly 43% exceed their budget, and 49% do not meet their scheduled timelines. Consequently, only 15% of these projects remain on schedule.

PMI Global Project Management Survey

These facts put stress on choosing the best project development approach for your software development project. There are a lot of factors that define your choice. Here are the most influential of them:

Project Complexity

Some of the abovementioned models are well-suited for small projects, while others are only for large and complex ones.

Team Expertise

Ask yourself if your squad has enough expertise to work on a specific model. If not, it enlarges your project timeline and jeopardizes its goals.

The Flexibility of Requirements

Will your requirements stay the same during the project implementation? If not, choose the flexible model with the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Budget and Timeline Constraints

Some approaches require more time and budget than others. Identify your budget and deadlines to achieve your goals and compare with existing models to choose the right one.

Client or Stakeholder Involvement

The Agile approach heavily involves collaboration and communication with stakeholders. Such methodology is customer-focused and better incorporates clients’ feedback.

choosing the best project development approach

The right decision lies at the intersection of all the above factors. It is vital to consider each of them to make the best choice.


Choosing a suitable model and framework for your project is crucial because you can make your software development process more productive and efficient. The incorrect choice can cause issues: errors and other risks regarding your project, budget overspending, and late time-to-market. Keep in mind your needs and factors that may impact your final decision.

You also need to be aware of each model’s strengths and weaknesses. You can define which one suits your needs well.

Carefully choose the model and framework for your project, but remember that no model is set in stone. You can modify the chosen approach to your needs and attract experts who can help you with your project.

At Jelvix, we utilize Agile methodologies to ensure a responsive and adaptable workflow. Our team completes projects on schedule by employing modern Agile frameworks while fully complying with ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001, ISO 27701, and PMI standards, leading to desired project results.

Contact Jelvix experts to save time and money and successfully achieve your project goals.


Read more about the most common software development strategies and take a look at their benefits and drawbacks.


What is the difference between Agile and Waterfall?

Agile is adaptable and cyclical, permitting modifications throughout the project, whereas Waterfall is structured and step-by-step, necessitating well-defined requirements from the beginning.

Which model is best for high-risk projects?

The Spiral model is frequently utilized for projects with significant risks because of its emphasis on risk assessment and iterative processes.

How do I choose the right software development approach for my project?

Evaluate project needs, adaptability demands, team skills, and time limitations. Agile methodology is ideal for dynamic projects, whereas Waterfall or V-Model is better suited for projects with a fixed scope.

Can Agile be used in regulated industries?

Yes, Agile methodologies can be tailored for regulated industries, although some practices might require modification to comply with regulatory standards.

What is the role of customer feedback in these models?

Customer input is vital in iterative frameworks such as Agile, influencing every development cycle.

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