Mobile Application Porting Services

Сonvert Android app to iOS with Jelvix. Assure high-performing functionality, seamless interface, compatible integrations. Port existing codebase and adapt it to the iOS standards.

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Jelvix ports applications from Android to iOS and vice versa by carefully determining what codebase can be reused and integrating with components. We enhance user experience and functionality while executing all the necessary business logic. The team combines cost-efficient and quality-first approaches, by reapplying code without impacting the UX.

Business Challenges of iOS to Android App Conversion

  1. Increase revenue and digital presence

    Today the standard of digital presence is a cross-platform approach. You don’t have to limit yourself to Android users only. A more lucrative strategy is to convert app from Android to iOS, saving time and budget by reusing codebase pieces. The business benefits are clear - you expand the user base using existing resources.

  2. The reliability of cross-platform apps for enterprises

    When you manage complex processes that involve hundreds, sometimes thousands of people, wide accessibility should be a priority. Giving team members, partners, and clients several options for accessing your service is a right approach to convert Android studio app to iOS and porting iOS app to Android. iOS and Android take up 98% of the mobile OS market share, so being present on both is a necessity.

  3. Consumer-attracting strategy

    When business owners choose porting services, they should consider cost-efficient transition and a responsive final result. Building a new application from scratch is not the wisest decision financially - in many cases, the business-logic related codebase can be reused with no consequences. However, reusing all the code will result in a poor user experience. The right approach consists of careful consideration and the creation of a transition strategy.

  4. Boosted application performance

    To convert Android app to iOS app, it’s essential to leave functionality intact. Moreover, businesses can use it as an opportunity to revisit functionality and interface - and build an even better product. Jelvix team improves ported applications’ performance by using native tech stack, integrating iOS-first modules, and carefully adhering to UI standards.


Our Customers

Our satisfied customers keep coming back to Jelvix because they know by first-hand experience that we deliver the best result. Take advantage of world-class mobile application development services and port iOS to Android or port Android to iOS.

Types of Mobile Application Porting Services by Jelvix

Porting Android to iOS

Our developers evaluate the Android codebase and determine what parts can be reused without impacting the performance. Next, we build native components with an iOS-based tech stack. As a result we convert Android code to iOS.

Convert iOS app to Android

Our app porting specialists strive to keep the business logic of Android and iOS coherent. Users should be able to switch between two versions and easily navigate the functionality. So, we examine the concept and architecture of the iOS app and convert iOS code to Android. By combining existing resources and adding Android components, we efficiently convert Android to iOS.

Porting cross-platform apps

If you have a web, desktop or mobile cross-platform application that you would like to transform into a native app, Jelvix team can assist you. We will form a team of developers who are skilled in the original tech stack and the one for a new OS. These experts will move the functionality and interface to a new platform without compromising the underlying structure and the application’s best features.

Convert mobile app to the smart technology

Converting mobile applications into full-fledged IoT controllers is one of the most popular recent development trends. With an existing mobile app, our developers can create an ecosystem for connected devices by integrating smart data processing algorithms. Any application (Android, iOS, cross-platform) can become IoT software.


Transitioning applications to a different native tech stack is a smart strategy for maximizing the app’s performance and boosting production efficiency. If the current programming language or framework doesn’t suit your project’s needs anymore, our team can enhance the codebase and migrate it. Intraporting codebase from Objective-C to Swift (and vice versa) or from Java to Kotlin, we help you to achieve better performance and greater team efficiency.

The Process of Mobile Application Porting

  1. Discovery and business analysis

    Jelvix team dives into the specifics of your business strategy, goals, audience needs, and market standards. We conduct thorough research by analyzing the existing application’s business logic, its effects on business growth, and critical challenges. At the end of discovery, clients can operate with guarantees on the workload, analysis of target audience, summary of product requirements, budget, and cost estimates.

  2. Scalable mobile app porting services

    The process of porting iOS to Android consists of two stages: reusing the existing codebase and building new components from scratch. During 10 years of mobile development experience, we found that such a combined approach provides the best balance of cost-efficiency vs final user experience. The end application looks and feels just like the native one, although its production doesn’t require as many resources.

  3. Source code security

    When we port new components and integrate existing codebase pieces, our priority is to assure smooth synchronization between all features. Our security experts, database managers, and Cloud developers assure safe data flows within the system. We prevent all most common attacks and enable specific protection concerning industry security considerations.

  4. Quality Assurance provision

    The final user experience is verified by our Quality Control and Quality Assurance teams. Testers and QA specialists participate in the development process from the very beginning. They identify minor issues with the application and eliminate them immediately - so small issues don’t translate into errors. Application is considered ready for release when it corresponds to all user experience and performance standards of iOS or Android. The goal is always to achieve a native look and feel.

  5. Releasing a ported application

    The application complies with all the App Store and Google Play requirements. After it was approved for release by a QA team, our deployment specialists are ready to roll out the final project. We also prepare the full description, screenshot guides, and additional materials.

Reasons to Choose Jelvix for Porting Android App to iOS

  • Native user experience with end clients in mind

    When our team converts native Android app to iOS, developers and testers analyze it from the main user’s perspective. We combine a deep understanding of your business needs gained throughout the discovery session with users’ interests. The final mobile app porting product caters to both solving business challenges and enjoyable native experience.

  • Team composition based on selection and consideration

    Jelvix recruiting and screening approach is strategic. We recruit developers whose skills fall under 4% of talents on the market. Developers on the team are assembled based on their experience with similar projects, knowledge of the industry, and client’s preferences.

  • Agile mobile development

    Our mobile application developers use Agile management strategies, code quality control metrics, and cooperation standards. The priority is transparent communication with clients and the quality of the final product. Our experience allows us to create precise estimates and adhere to them regardless of development agility.

  • No cutting corners in mobile app development

    Our team doesn’t compromise the quality of interface and functionality. Regardless of the budget and timing, the standard is always a native application. Features and design should bring value to the end customers - that’s the only way for an app to cover business goals as well.

  • A strategic approach to porting from Android to iOS

    After the first contact with the client, the team understands the company, market, audience, and competitors. We create a detailed profile of your business, evaluate challenges, and map out risks. All analytical documentation is available to clients at the very beginning of cooperation.


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