How to Implement Your Idea into App Development Project

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Developing an app is always quite a difficult technological process. And this process tends to start with the idea to create something useful. It takes a little time between a “how to start app development project” question comes to mind to the final product development, but still, it is worth all the effort. For you to understand how to implement app idea, this concept should take a determined shape so you can properly imagine what the finished application should look like.

How to start app development project with only an idea

Most likely you want to build a brand new and unique app. Then you have to think hard through a few things: what purposes this app should serve, what will make it unique and helpful for users. It is a common thing when the idea seems original to you, but in fact, it’s not true. To make sure that you are not trying to reinvent the bicycle, just look into App Store or Google Play by typing in a relevant query.

coming up with an app idea

It is really important to do the deep analysis and decide which operating system your application will be created for (or even for a number of them – a cross-platform app). Cross-platform applications are created in a single programming language. Their development usually costs less but also has a few flaws. Apps like that do not take into account specifics of different operating systems and gadgets, work slower occasionally, and differ from other apps by specific design and animation. Native applications are created separately for every platform, provide a wider range of features but cost way more than cross-platform apps do.

After your original idea is completely framed and a detailed description is comprised, you can freely turn to the realization aspects.

User Story

To turn idea into an app, firstly, you have to ask yourself what exactly do you want to create and who your target audience is. Answers to these questions are presented in the User Story. On this level, it is highly important to work out every possible scenario to exclude the possibility of unpleasant surprises on the later stages of the development. Note that behind every item on your to-do list hides a huge mountain of functionality. Try to fragment and concretize tasks. Significant objectives are better to be divided into several stages (update releases into the store). First of all, in order to create a good User Story, the maximum number of the interested people is necessary. Creating a qualitative one is a collective work in which cooperation is important and which goal is to consider every aspect. This time, two heads are really better than one.

User story

It is worth noting that User Story is not something indestructible and unaccepting to any changes. If needed, you always can add new User Stories, change the priorities etc. – it is acceptable. On the other hand, the developer must warn the client about any modifications that their suggestions can cause. Live communication on this level is the key to the future success because creating a successful application means “brilliant idea” plus “brilliant realization”. So, a correctly written User Story is the first step of making your idea a reality. Even if you know how to start app development project, User Story must be your number one priority, do not skip this stage.

User experience and interface design

After completing your User Story, the stage of planning and design (also called pre-development stage) starts. At this point, designers need to develop the logic of the future application, how app screens are interconnected, and how user will navigate through the application. As a result, we get wireframes and user flows. The next step is interface design which must comply to Apple’s or Google’s guidelines. The planning level also contains preparation of design elements for the development stage.

Development and testing

Developers start their work right after they receive guidelines, graphics, and layouts from the design team. During this stage, all the application’s elements are processed from static pictures to an interactive working model. Also, server and client parts get connected here, so the application can work properly and interact with the user. This level produces the first working model of the application. When the development is done, the testing stage is initiated.

App development project

Testing level checks the application for minor and major bugs and reveals all the problems that can lead to app’s malfunction or unstable states. It is quite a long and responsible stage which takes from around thirty to forty percent of all the time spent on the application’s development.


Which development methodology should you use for your project? In this article, we provide you with some general information about Agile and Waterfall so that you can choose the one that fits your needs and objectives.

How to implement app idea, start app development project and get the most out of it

There is no way to predict all the specifics in the proper use of application while developing it on a big screen. Every application is unique, and the probability of error on the first operational stage is inevitable. In most cases, debugging takes nearly half the time of the initial development. Identified errors are eliminated, after that, the product is considered ready to be uploaded to one of the application stores.

It is worth noting that Google Play does not have as strict verification process as App Store’s one. That is why the project initiation stage takes way less time for Android applications than for iOS’ ones. Apps for Android are already available to use after an hour. As opposed to that, developers upload applications to the App Store, wait for a week or two for approval and often receive a denial due to the violation of one of the Apple’s rules.

After the application’s upload to store always mind the main bug trackers – your users. Users love easy in navigation, fast, and stable applications, so if something goes wrong with the app, users leave respective feedback in the store. This aspect of creating a good application is the most important one – a large part of your application’s success depends on how fast the bugs will be fixed after receiving a complaint. Also, do not forget that people are most likely to leave negative comments. If the user is fine with using your app, they will simply continue using it, no more no less. So mind that feedback is more like a bug tracker rather than a full evaluation of your work.


Master the app development lifecycle with expert insights from planning to deployment.

How to start app development project without having enough staff: finding people who can help you figure out how to implement app idea

Every stage of work on your idea is likely to require an outsourcing and/or outstaffing services, especially if your company is not that big or if you build your business alone.

Outsourcing is beneficial in that the great part of the workflow falls off your shoulders, freeing the time for other directions of your business, for example, marketing or financial analysis. IT-outsourcing will save you from the necessity to create a special department within your company, especially for that one project. Additionally, you will not suffer any expenses associated with educating your staff, tracking newest computer technologies, risks of dismissals of staff and their lack of professionalism. As IT outsourcing minimizes your expenses for IT, your resources will be directed right towards your profile business. Basically, all of the work will be done by the specialists from outside of your company; this team will coordinate all specifications with you on every stage of development, so in the end, you can receive a qualitative product.

App project stages

Outstaffing is mostly helpful for companies that do not have enough dedicated staff for work on your project. First of all, it will decrease the pressure on your human resources department, personnel expenses; risks will be minimized and delegation of authority will happen. Specialists from the contractor company are implemented into your company, which makes the working process much more productive and benefits you as the client with the comfortable control of every process associated with the implementation of your idea on every stage of work.


If you need outsource and/or outstaff services, or simply are not sure of the technical side of how to start app development project, you can ask for the qualified services of the Jelvix company. The best specialists and simply fans of their job work effectively to implement any application ideas, even the craziest ones. Also, the company provides highly qualitative consultancy on every development aspect for clients to have a full image of what resources it will take to implement their idea and exactly what their money is invested in. 

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